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Senin, 08 September 2008

Chinese Girl live in overseas

There a lot of chinese girl now studying in overseas such as in UK, USA, Australia, Singapore, and antoher countries. But, actually what are their parents really hope for the daughters ? The parents put a huge worried for the child relationship abroad. Will the daughter choose the wrong boyfriend there ?

Look up this some chinese parents thoughts of their chiense little girl studying overseas :

1. children are still expected to take care of elderly parents so I expect there is an amount of fear that they will lose their (only?) daughter overseas and she (and her/your income) not be available later.
2. There seems to be even more against relationships between chinese and coloured men so there are probably degrees of resistance to foreigners.
3. Chinese people appear to rely a lot a network of friends of relatives, and friends of friends to find out about the intended boyfriend/girlfriend. Even if he lives in another city, someone will probably know the family and if the family is not suitable etc.

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